Happy Clients

I came to know Andrew Krause in his role as a Trainer with Trinity Fitness in September of 2015. I was 44 years old and in need of a better way to deal with and heal from yet another left knee injury. Trinity Fitness had just opened their doors a couple weeks prior to my first visit. Andrew encouraged me to come possessing the knowledge that I had relayed to him concerning my knees. Due to snow skiing injuries as a teenager, I do not have an ACL in either knee, and my left knee had been recently diagnosed as being bone-on-bone. Andrew exudes a passion in speaking about all aspects of fitness. When speaking to me about a course of action for healing and building strength, which would later include a nutrition plan, this passion spurred me on. His knowledge of anatomy and physiology allowed him to make the appropriate modifications to the exercises we would perform in a class at Trinity Fitness. He used his discerning eye to see when it was time to increase depth in my squat (which began by holding on to the rings!) and later to begin adding weight to bar movements, etc. Nothing seemed rushed, the questions he would ask let him know where I was at both physically and mentally. His questions also allowed me to become more self aware concerning my own body, coming to better understand when I could push myself, and also learning when to back off. I have a completely different and much improved diet at this time thanks to Andrew! I was able to shed 15 pounds implementing Andrew's nutrition recommendations. I have worked with Andrew both in a group setting and one-on-one. I am convinced that his passion for physical fitness, which includes his incredible depth of knowledge in nutrition, is God-given and will be used to benefit those who chose to receive the services he is equipped to provide. I know I am grateful to have benefitted from Andrew's passion!

Marianne Christianson

“I had been having significant wrist pain for about a month and a half. It was getting to the point that it was difficult to type on the computer and do other things around the office. I couldn’t even put any pressure on my wrist when opening a door without experiencing significant pain. Andrew worked on my wrist and the muscles in my forearm and immediately my pain was gone! I was shocked. I had been dealing with this pain for so long I couldn’t believe that the fix was as simple as letting Andrew look at the problem and set my muscles & ligaments straight. I’m happy to say I’m still pain free and so thankful he took the time to help me!”

— Erin Englert (WRIST INJURY)

“In a fluke accident, I was closing my car door and it affected my sciatic nerve in my left arm. After going to the chiropractor for several months, I saw very little to no improvement. With just two or three sessions with Andrew, he was able to help my body to heal and repair the nerves in my arm and hand. He was such a blessing and I thank God for his help.”

— Ron Putnam