Frequently Asked Questions


What is FDM ?

FDM stands for the Fascial Distortion Model, developed by Dr. Stephen Typaldos, DO. It’s called a ‘model’ because it isn’t a technique.It’s actually a treatment model in which virtually all soft tissue injuries, or musculoskeletal complaints, are viewed through 1 or more of the 6 different types of alterations to the body’s connective tissues.”

“FDM has no protocols to memorize. Yet, FDM contains a detailed physical assessment, which leads to a specific diagnosis, and provides objective outcomes. The patient’s verbal and physical descriptions, coupled with the mechanism of injury and relevant orthopedic tests, will lead the practitioner to the proper form of soft tissue treatment. FDM stands for the Fascial Distortion Model, developed by Dr. Stephen Typaldos, DO.” (



  • Achilles Tendinitis

  • Ankle Sprains

  • Back Pain (Chronic & Acute)

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Golfer’s/Tennis Elbow

  • Hamstring Pull/Strain

  • Hip Flexor/Psoas Tendinitis

  • Hip Pain

  • IT Band Syndrome

  • Knee Sprains

  • ow Back Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Rotator Cuff Strains

  • Shins Splits

  • TMJ

  • Tension Headaches/ Migraines

  • Whiplash

What Else Do we specialize in?

  • Correcting muscular imbalances through specific rehab exercises

  • Solving long term back pain by re-stabilizing and strengthening the core/hips

  • Providing a performance based approach to therapy (as an athlete I have been around the block and overcome a lot)

  • Using Neuromuscular testing and movement screenings to assist in assessing both dysfunction and plan of treatment

  • Neuromuscular Release Techniques helping to restore proper blood flow and oxygen to affected areas of the body allowing the muscles to return to more proper function with less pain

What IS the O.P.M. METHOD?

OPM or Optimal Performance Method is our threefold aproach to comprehensive therapy and athlete performance. It is the combination of “Pliability + Stability + Mobility” Training.

What does Athlete Coaching/Strength Training Look like with us?

Our Athlete Coaching and Strength Training is a 75min One-on-One Coaching session that utilizes our O.P.M. Philosophy of Movement with Strength Training. Sessions will be scheduled at a gym of the coaches choice according to the clients availability. Each session will include a dynamic warm up and a Comprehensive Strength/ Stability Training and philosophy of movement coaching. We guarantee each session will be specifically geared to your needs and will challenge any level of client.

What does Nutrition coaching look like with us?

We offer a variety of Nutrtion plans from Weight Loss, Mass Gain to Elite Performance based Coaching packages. Each plan will have customize macro-nutrient goals (Example meal plan) and optional supplementation protocols + a cardiovascular training plan, to ensure we optimize your results.



  • Symptom: Burning, pulling, pain along a line 

  • Issue: Layers of fascia that have separated or twisted under the skin.


  • Symptom: Pain that is irregular or jumps from one area to another, numbness, tingling, tremor, impression of swelling.

  • Issue: Coiled fascia under the skin gets tangled. 


  • Symptom: a specific spot of pain on a bone or attachment point

  • Issue: Sudden movement disrupts the fascia's fluid connection to the bone 


  • Symptom: Aching, pinching, or catching sensation

  • Issue: Muscle tissue is protruding through a rupture in a layer of fascia.


  • Symptom: Deep ache in the joint that feels like it restricts movement but, when tested, range of motion is normal.

  • Issue: Accordion-like fascia gets stuck after opening or closing too far.


  • Symptoms: Joint that won't move.

  • Issue: Fascial layers are stuck to each other and not gliding.